
Ruby on Rails applications will need to add the following entry into their Gemfile specifying the Audiomatic client library.

gem 'audiomatic-rails'

Update application dependencies with bundler.


For heroku users, configuration is really easy. Just install Neutrino_Audiomatic (url) plugin and paste code-block below to config/initializer/audiomatic_config.rb:

Audiomatic.config do |c|
  c.processor_host = ENV['AUDIOMATIC_URL']
  c.audiomatic_secret = ENV['AUDIOMATIC_SHARED_SECRET']

you can also provide your own unique url:

Audiomatic.config do |c|
  c.processor_host = ""
  c.audiomatic_secret = ENV['AUDIOMATIC_SHARED_SECRET']

also you have to set the routes default_url_options in environments/production.rb

Getting start

  1. Store file which you want to analyze. This gem provides method store which simplifies it. Example of controller:
def create
  @audio_file = params[:audio_file][:audio]
  1. Include AudiomaticRails::Model in your ActiveRecord Model
class YourModel < ApplicationRecord

  include AudiomaticRails::Model

  1. Configure processors. Set field where result should be saved (don’t forget to adding column to database):
# model should have 'duration' field
analyze :duration, [:duration]

# or (if file is named different then result)
analyze :duration {duration: {field: :duration_field}}
  1. Keep adding processors:
analyze :duration, {duration: {transformation: to_second= }}
analyze :tags, [:artist, :title]
analyze :waveform, mount_on: :waveform
analyze :browser, mount_on: :mp3_file
analyze :replaygain, save_to: replaygain_method=
5.Last step: tell Audiomatic where results should be sent back. Add to
your routes.rb:
# config/routes.rb

Rails.application.routes.draw do



And that’s it!

Sets analyze

NeutrinoAudiomaticRails gives many possibilities of processors configuration which will be done on your files. Gem has a lot of default configuration, but also gives capabilities to customize it. Method analyze describes which result we want to get, and how the result is handled.

Saving directly to ActiveRecord field

The most default option: Select processor and put result to Array. It saves results to fields in yourModel (name of result must be the same as name of field)

  #processor #result
analyze :duration, [:duration]

To customize this strategy you can use Hash instead of Array, and select extra options:

  • :field - allows select field for result
  • :transformation - allows convert result before saving to db, transformations methods have to be in Array


analyze :replaygain, {'replaygain-track-peak': {field: :replaygain_track_peak}, 'replaygain-track-gain': {field: :'replaygain_track_gain', transformation: [:to_s=]}}

analyze :duration, {duration: {transformation: [:to_s=]}}

Handle answer

If you want to get all results from processor and save or interpret it on your own, you have to use option :save_to which lets you write own method that would get result and do everything you want. Example:

    #processor #result
analyze :tags, save_to: :tags=

def tags= result # result is json {'key': name, 'value': value }
  #your code...

With CarrierWave

Because in some cases NeutrinoAudiomatic returns file, neutrino_audiomatic_rails provides easy way to store this file in your Uploader. Example:

mount_uploader :waveform, WaveformUploader
  mount_uploader :mp3_file, Mp3Uploader

  analyze :webbrowser, mount_on: :mp3_file
  analyze :waveform, mount_on: :waveform

It means mount_on: :uploader is equl to! file. Now, results are in your Uploader.

Stores files

To analyze file NeutrinoAudiomatic needs an url to your file. Neutrino_audiomatic_rails provides store method which saves your file in tmp folder and creates routes to get it. It will be used during sending request to NeutrinoAudiomatic.

def create
  @audio_file = params[:audio_file][:audio]

If you already have audio file stored. you can provide your own method which would return url to file to analyze.

audiomatic_file_url :set_url
def set_url
  #your code

NeutrinoAudiomatic errors

Sending request to NeutrinoAudiomac starts after saving instance of yourModel. While sending request to NeutrinoAudiomatic something can go wrong. In default configuration if server sends response with status diffrent then 202, method in gem raises exception, rollbacks transaction and method save returns false.

Second strategy allows you write your own reaction on error. All you have to do is to write method and set it as audiomatic_error. This method needs to have one argument. If your method returns true, then gem uses ActiveJob and tries sending request to server again after 15 minutes. If method returns false then gem raises excepction and deletes transaction.

audiomatic_error :handle_error=

def handle_error= error
  #your code

Response authentication

Response sent from NeutrinoAudiomatic can be verified by calculation a signature.

All response contain HTTP_X_NEUTRINO_AUDIOMATIC_HMAC_SHA256 header which is generated using the app’s shared secret and body of response.

To verify that the request come from NeutrinoAudiomatic, compute the HMAC digest and then compere value and HTTP_X_NEUTRINO_AUDIOMATIC_HMAC_SHA256 header. If they the same, you can be sure the response come from NeutrinoAudiomatic.

Simple example:

def self.verify_neutrino(data, hmac_header)
  calculated_hmac = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(data + ":" + secret)
  calculated_hmac == hmac_header

def self.verify_response request
  data =
  verified = verify_neutrino(data, request.headers["HTTP_X_NEUTRINO_AUDIOMATIC_HMAC_SHA256"])

Gem neutrino_audiomatic_rails authenticates response for you